Etihad, Qatar, Emirates Open Day & Assessment Day Cabin Crew Training on Zoom for 2023
Advice and one-to-one training available for the new Emirates One day Whirlwind Recruitment (open day and assessment day), Etihad & Qatar
Some spaces are now available in the diary for one on one coaching sessions on zoom. This 90 minute session is to prepare you for the full sequence of events that will take place on the new 1 day Emirates open day, Etihad virtual assessment day and Qatar open day. The new Emirates open day recruitment now includes open day, assessment day and final interview all in one day. We also run one to one assessment day and open day training for those attending the Etihad and Qatar recruitment days.
The guidance and training for the cabin crew open day will be unique to your own individual circumstances and will take into account the relevance of your own unique customer and team skills.
Our open day consultation will provide you with guidance on:
- How to handle cabin crew team discussions and presentations on introducing yourself at the open day, the picture card scenarios, the interactions you need to demonstrate problem solving and customer satisfaction.
- Group and team discussions and how to interact positively including the dos and don'ts.
- Uniform declaration, scars and what you should disclose/not disclose.
- Final interview questions and how you should answer them in relation to your own current work experience, again covering what to say and what not to say.
- Full Powerpoint slides dedicated to your own skills and experience.
Our one-to-one cabin crew final interview training on Zoom will help you sell your CV skills to the recruiter. We help you script your interview answers to the 6 most popular cabin crew interview questions. We work with you to design your best examples with compelling content to ensure you stand the greatest chance of getting the offer.
To book this training session, simply go to ORDER. All reservations will receive a reply within 6 hours and a mutually convenient date / time agreed for your Zoom session (times available worldwide!).
Face Make-up
How to wear your make-up for the open day and assessment day at Emirates, Qatar and Etihad.
Face with make-up
- Use concealer, foundation, eye-shadow, eye-liner, mascara, blush, lipstick but no lip gloss.
MAKE UP FOR THE OPEN DAY at Emirates, etihad & qatar
Full make up. Use concealer, foundation, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, blush, lipstick but no lip gloss.
Visible make-up.
Look the part.
Dress Code
What to wear for your open day and assessment day at Emirates, Etihad and Qatar.
Smart business attire with full length hosiery.
If wearing a skirt, it should be one inch below the knee.
Clean and manicured with nail varnish in clear, red or French manicure.
No visible tattoos.
Wear heels.
DRess code for females FOR THE OPEN DAY & ASSESSMENT DAY
Business attire with closed fitted jacket, knee length skirt, skin coloured stockings and closed toe shoes.
No accessories.
No neck scarves and no jewellery.
No glasses, no colour contact lenses
No watches
If wearing a skirt, it must be one inch below the knee. No slits on skirts.
Clean and manicured nails with nail varnish in clear, red or French manicure.
Wear heels.
No ankle straps.
Emirates Photo Requirements - Bring along a formal business attire full length and a passport photo standing and posing as shown in the photo above.
Neatly tied in a French roll, braid, ponytail or bun, with loose strands pinned up or to the side.
Hair should be neatly tied in a French roll, ponytail or bun. Overall, your hair must be neat and tidy with no loose strands of hair.
Hair must not cover the ears.
Emirates hold open days and assessment days around the globe. Checkout these dates on our website.
At least 21 yers old
Arm reach 212 cm
Min height of 160cm
High School Graduate (Grade 12)
Fluency in English (written and spoken)
Physically fit with healthy BMI
A high quality CV and photo - We can help design a professional CV and edit your photo for you.
All these candidates came to us and passed at first attempt.
Positive attitude, adaptable to new people, situations and places.
Healthy BMI
Confidence, flexibility, maturity and friendly disposition.
Genuine passion to help others.
Culturally aware, uphold the value of Emirates.
Look for resilience and a determination to perform well and work with people from 120 nationalities.
Committed to quality and to exceed customer expectations.
Be prepared to stay all day during the open and assessment day
Be prepared to spend the entire open day at the hotel venue. Shortlisted candidates may have the assessment day on the same day and will be informed of their Final Interview in the days following the Open Day.
Your CV and photographs are the most important part at the Open Day. It is worth investing in our CV writing service to increase your chances of being shortlisted by the recruiters. Cabin crew CVs are scored by ATS (Applicant tracking Systems) and you need a high score to get shortlisted - we can help with this.
Our CV writing service (ATS compliant) is available at just GBP£50 and the service is available internationally.
Pavlina, shown here approached us for her pictures, cv editing, cover letter and one-on-one training and passed at first attempt at the London Emirates cabin crew open day where less than 4% were successful! Let us help you.
As well as the requirements outline above, Emirates Airline expect all their cabin crew candidates that apply to be determined to always perform well, and to manage a pretty demanding work schedule. Cabin crew candidates are expected to also be culturally aware and reflect who Emirates are - professional, empathetic, progressive, visionary and cosmopolitan. They look for these characteristics when they meet you at the Assessment Day so come prepared and demsontarte to the recruiters that you have these qualities in the group exercises they prepare for you.
Here we explain the full Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Cabin crew interview: What is the difference between an Open Day and an Assessment Day?
An Assessment Day is by invitation only. It lasts one full day and you need to pass through each stage in order to reach the final interview. After each stage, there is an elimination round. It is like taking part in a Miss World contest. On the other hand, an open day is open to all. No invitation is needed and anybody can just walk-in and attend.
Who can attend an Assessment Day?
Anyone who has filled in the on-line application at the Emirates, Etihad or Qatar recruitment portal, and has been shortlisted by the airline can attend an Assessment Day.
Sell your transferable skills
In most cases, the Open day and the Assessment Day arranged by Emirates, Etihad & Qatar starts at 9 am and finishes by 6 pm. Please arrive on time. Stay confident and be positive. Sell your skills and experience in your current role to the recruiter. Remember you are there to sell yourself. No one else will do this for you so you may wish to take up our training. We work with you to and coach you to sell your strengths with strong examples.
The Process
All applicants will be gathered in a room where the recruiters will make a short presentation of the company. Be attentive and proactive. The recruiter is also observing candidates at random and she makes notes.
Later, you will be asked to hand in your resume, photograph and other documents. The recruiter may ask introduction questions like “Tell me about yourself, what inspires you to work for our airline, and why do you want to be a cabin crew?”
English Test
You will be given an online English Test. It often comes with multiple choice questions and with Qatar Airways you may get an essay. Do ensure you have a fully charged iPhone or mobile or you may find yourself having to borrow someone else’s iPhone.
Reach test
You will be asked to remove your shoes, raise your arm to reach 212cm (for Emirates & Qatar Airways and Etihad Airways). You can take off your jacket if you need more room to stretch.
Group exercise
As remaining candidates, you will be divided in groups and will be asked to discuss a situation. You will have 15 minutes, and afterwards you will be asked to present the solution you came up with as a team. The recruiters want to know if you are a team player, able to solve problems and help each other and reach a consensus view.
Final interview
Remaining candidates will be invited to attend the final interview, which can take place that day or the day after.