Should I worry about scars and birthmarks at the Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Open Day?
I often get asked if it is acceptable to attend an open day before your tattoo is fully removed. The answer is you should not attend an open day or assessment day until you have had a full removal of your tattoo. This is zero tolerance meaning you cannot tell the recruiter "I will definitely remove it if I get the job".
The other topic that often pops up is "I have scars on one of the following areas e.g. face, neck, arms, legs, and if it is allowed? The answer is if it can be concealed with makeup or not visible under the pantyhose, then you are absolutely fine - don't spend time worrying about it as it is not an issue at all.
Microblading is regarded as tattoos by Emirates, Etihad and Qatar. If they are well hidden in your brows and does not draw attention, then rest assured it will be fine.
However, for guys, you only need to worry about your face, neck and hands as the uniform covers the rest. Remember that men are not allowed to put on any form of make-up while wearing the Emirates uniform, so you need to ensure your scars are less visible / less significant.
If the scar is significant, consider laser treatment or use BioOil, it does work and fades quite significantly.
If you need assistance with photo editing or CV editing that is ATS compliant, contact us today.
No tattoos in the grey areas for all airlines.
However, for Qatar - no tattoos at all!
Elaine, pictured here, our client - currently Etihad cabin crew