Tips & Tricks to get into Emirates
There are open days regularly held in almost every corner of the word and in every city so if you visit the Emirates website, and look at their careers section, you will be able to see and follow where you can prepare and attend the open day. Emirates operates on continous recruitment meaning there is no stop, and they recruit all year round. As for Emirates visiting your city, it all depends on how soon and frequent they decide to pick on a particular city to visit and hold the open day. They aim for different diversity and nationalities. If you do not see your city there, bookmark the page and keep on reviewing it as it changes every week. Alternatively, you can apply online and wait for them to send you an invitation to the next closest city. Or, you could just select one of the cities abroad, and decide to buy a return air ticket, travel and stay at the hotel there for the open day.
Please remember that your home base will be based in Dubai so pease ensure you know a little about Dubai.
The first day, you hand in your CV at the open day. Look professional in corporate attire, makeup and lipstick.
In the afternoon, they make you go through the assessment group exercises and give you different scenarios on difficult customers, unhappy customers and see how you make decisions, put your points across, team collaboration, confidence, your personality, listening and your overall interaction and interpersonal skills. How you express your opinions and being respectful of others are important too! Some cites many have an English test but usually they don’t.
At the final interview, it is one-to-one like any office interview except this is based in the comfort of your home via Hirevue. They look for strengths, weaknesses, past experiences, situations where you dealt with past customers, difficult, demanding or upset customers, provide exceptional customer service experience. Give them scenarios where you had those experiences. If you do not have adequate work experience, then outline school or uni or voluntary experiences.
Finally, remember that your CV is the most important piece of your marketing document at the Open Day. You are literally selling yourself, your services and how good you are to Emirates recruiters. So, please let us help you review and update your CV for you. Re-word your skills in a professional manner that they expect to see, use their favourite keywords and action words that ring bells for them. Invest in our CV writing and update service and believe me it is the best thing you can do for yourself to help you ace this position.
Let us review and update your CV for you so that you stand the best chances at the Open Day