Etihad Assessment Day, English test and final interview
How to prepare for your Etihad Assessment Day in your local country
I would like to outline the Etihad assessment day stages for those who are new to their recruitment event.
The assessment day starts with the registration stage where they will take your registration form and one photo from you.
You will then be asked to do the reach test. This is then followed-up with the multiple choice English test.
In the afternoon, you are given a one on one impromptu speech test where they ask random questions on literally anything simply to test your English skills in speaking.basically You will be asked a random question and you have 1 minute to answer the question.
You will then attend a talk show where the recruiters will explain lifestyle in Abu Dhabi and provide you with more information about life at Etihad Airways and their work.
Next, comes the shortlist. Then, the group assessment test.
Your team went on a dune trip to the UAE desert but unfortunately your 4x4 landcover had a mechanical / engine problem and caught fire. You are now stuck in the desert where during the day the temperatures are 50c and during the night 5c.
You were able to salvage some items from the Land Rover (around 12) before the vehicle was completely engulfed in flames.
Examples included:
mirror, newspaper, lighter, compass, a local map, chocolate bar (1 unit per person), extra trousers and shirts, a big piece of canvas and a revolver gun.
In the group discussion, you must organize these items by order of importance to ensure your survival in the desert.
You have 20 minutes to solve the task.
After that, more elimination.
The next day - the final interview
Here the questions will be mainly based on your CV with a light touch to ascertain your motivation for Etihad, why you want to leave your present job, talk about your experience of working with people from different cultures, when you provided exceptional customer service, the angry passenger etc..
To attend the Etihad Assessment Day requires that you first submit your application online, and this means submitting a cover letter, CV and photograph.
This selection is based on Etihad keywords optimised and blended to your CV skills and experience. Too much and you will be penalised and not get selected. We can help you attain the right balance and write your cover letter and CV so that you stand the best chance of getting shortlisted. And also train you live (one-to-one) on Zoom on how to answer their random questions with confidence and good presentation.
We can help with an Etihad CV, assessment day training and final interview training for Etihad cabin crew